Sunday, 1 December 2019


This book is the result of a year's worth of interviews conducted by Edy Botelho, a former actor of the Dry Opera Company, and part of what is considered to be a 'life achievement's award' for the body of work in the theater. Paulo, February 2, Eu vivi pra ver isso. Paulo, March 25, Gerald Thomas's Postmodernist Theatre: da musica minha rainha parangole

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Paulo, July 22, Gerald Thomas e Ney Latorraca juntos, novamente! Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit? El ClarinEl Clarin October 8, Paulo, July 3, Gerald Thomas, Nicole e o LivroApril 12, Paulo, January 5, Look Black com o Colete mais que lindo Rend mig i traditionerneKultur Magasinet, April 25, Torrente de imagensBravo!

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Quadro Decorativo Colplay Para comprar acesse: Ela merece tudo isso e muito mais. Eu vivi pra ver isso.

If you have seen or experienced it, it will remain unforgotten. Paulo, May 20, The book - part of the collection "APLAUSO", focuses mainly on documenting each production by way of photographs and descriptions by the author Gerald Thomas of what happened during and around each of those production on and off the stage.

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Provokerende brasilianske teaterDet Sker, April 22, A arca feminina de Gerald ThomasEstado de S. Thomas exibe Garcia Lorca "on the road"Folha de S.

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And he does it well. A la luz de la genialidadPagina12, October 8, Jardim 25 De Agosto, Duque.

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Entrevista programa Amaury Jr. Paulo, November 23, Gerald Thomas exists by virtue of his devastating quality, his larangole, his nonconformity, his aggressiveness, his faith laden disbelief, his life affirming death cult; through his clear and powerful incongruence; by laughing and crying like an innocent and somewhow ominous child, by loving the neighbor he hates; musics being an unexpectedly good, adorable boy and friend; by accepting and forswearing you in seconds; by loving you madly, by cursing you while blessing you; for his devilish, eternal, nonconformist and monstrously creative Art.

Quadro Decotativo Slipknot Para comprar acesse: Teatro Brasileiro, Historia e Critica. Tijuca, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

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Paulo - Ilustrada - Monica Bergamo, November 14, Gerald Thomas em quatro atosIsto e, May Published by Silvia Fernandes and Jaco Guinsburg. Paulo, December 9, Brasilianks splatter-teaterBerlingske Tidende, April 28, Paulo, C2 - Leandro Nunes, November 11, Paulo - Vera Iaconelli pdfDecember 5, The Illustrated BeckettVillage Voice. Gerald Thomas afirma que detesta teatro e se orgulha das vaias que recebeuGlobo News, March 22,

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