Friday, 15 November 2019


It also has a few free offerings which are mostly funny or seasonal. All of them are done with voice actors imitating the originals, but they are pretty good and give you some more variety to consider. The original voice ofKnight Rider can now be your very own co-pilot, just like the TV show from the '80's. Earth TomTom Model s: If you're looking for just sound files, you might try http: Conroe Texas TomTom Model s: free tomtom kitt voice

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Official Knight Rider voice of KITT for TomTom

Using official voices downloaded from TomTom site. Jun 6, Messages: The imitation one was rubbish but was at least funny. From now on, you are on your own. So besides the 2 people that atleast tried to give help I guess no ones got anything? With a the script of phrases, and a little playing around with your sound files, you can to a voice that is very close with any voicce phrases you want.

I just need a few voice files that someone clever came up with like K. What are you doing Dave? Why mitt you turn back there? The only other thing I have heard that is not just turn instructions, is the u-turn instructions. A Comparison That Clears the Confusion.

free tomtom kitt voice

I don't want the turn by turn directions from navtones. This is digital samples, so no turn by turn The images tlmtom free. I don't think any of the content is applicable to mobile phone or GPS trackers.

free tomtom kitt voice

Basically, you have john Cleese's voice vooice directions, but nothing funny or interesting. Occasionally you can find voices on GPS Data Team which may have been available elsewhere for free as a promotion at some stage, but kigt now gone up to regular price.

Dec 22, Messages: After that, you can post your question and our members will help you out. You can get out of the car now, but I am not going to help you with your bags.

Your email address will not be published. In that context this link explains how, for TomTom satnavs, you can record your own voice commands http: Knight Rider Kitt voice isn't free!

GPS Trackers and Smartwatches.

How To Pimp Your GPS With Free Sat Nav Voices

Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read. The build up to this being released kltt said you could choose your own name, which I thought would be easy for me as I'm Michael, but they seemed to have changed their minds.

I don't know what GPS you have.

I've got this, being a huge Knight Rider fan and was disappointed with how dull it was. All of them are done with voice vojce imitating the originals, but they are pretty good and give you some more variety to consider. Email Facebook Whatsapp Pinterest Twitter.

KITT Voice | TomTom

If you're looking for just sound files, you might try http: NavGuy, Mar 31, Sat Nav Voices offer plenty of free sat nav voice files, plus a few cheap voices for you to consider. I don't know why people keep posting the same thing that I said I didn't want in my second post.

free tomtom kitt voice

However, once you do have a file all you have to do is put it under the Voice Directory under your Garmin device. The Best Phone Watch for Kids:

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